1st Technical Meeting

On 18th of January 2019 the 1st Technical Meeting was held in Institute of Design Technologies at Riga Technical University – Riga, Latvia.
The meeting started with Round table and presentations by each partner organizations for mutual acquaintance among the project partners. Ms. Raquel Ortega Martínez from the project partner AMUEBLA made review of the whole project covering the project aims, objectives, activities, inputs and goals. The lead project manager Ms. Dana Belakova form the Lead partner organization RTU gave insight of Cooperation Framework – Timetable, administrative issues and Erasmus+ Procedures. In addition Standard Contractual procedures – Grant Agreement – Bilateral Agreements – Financial Regulations and Procedures were discussed among project partners. Further, the Quality assurance and risk monitoring plan was presented by Ms. Rita Souto from CTCP as quality assurance and risk monitoring project manager and the Project Dissemination and exploitation plan was presented by Ms. Natasha Sivevska from TTA-TC as project manager for Dissemination and exploitation. The Project Intellectual Output 1: Analysis of current best practices and needs for ecodesign and implement circular business model in the textile sector was presented by Mr. Erwan Mouazan from the partner organization ECORES. At the end of the meeting the participants highlighted the next semesters’ tasks and work to be done and discussed about next semester timeline and Intellectual Outputs. In the second part of the day the host of the event organized a visit tour to the Institute of Design Technologies at Riga Technical University. Next project partners meeting will be in May in Brussels. Host of the meeting will be ECORES.