Design4Circle Minutes of the 4th Technical Meeting 7th May 2020, ZOOM Meeting Venue: ON-LINE ZOOM

First of all, there were exchanged information about each partner’s situation in the actual conditions of the pandemic situation. As the 4-th meeting, that should take place in Iasi,was replaced with the on-line session, Dana Belakova (RTU) informed us that there must be justifying documents for hotel or plane tickets in order to be paid.
Next, it was taken into consideration the necessity of the extension of the project, eventually until the end of February 2021, if the situation will impose. The coordinator informed that all the project activities were done according to the project time-lime. She said that, and after the meeting, it will be decided if the project will be extended or not. The situation will be monitored, and the decisions will be made according to it.
Item 1 →Checklist of the Intellectual Outputs
Dana Belakova evaluates the fulfilment level of each intellectual output:
- O1/A2- the list of people’s occupation- is almost finished. Still, it must be reviewedas soon as possible because module 4 was split into two modules.
- O1/A3 is finished.
- O2/A1 is finished.
- O2/A2- Harmonisation of the European qualification has to be extended for the seven modules. Manuela Avadanei (TUIASI) will complete this task in one week (17/05/2020). The content of the modules is for level 5 of education. At this point, regarding the project piloting activities, Rita Souto (CTCP) asked the permission, to involve other persons. These persons would have experience in the field of textile and clothing industry, even if they graduated to level 4 of education.
- O2/A3is finished.
- O2/A4- Natasha Sivevska (TTA-TC) will send the validation file in Word format toeverybody to be completeduntil 17/05/2020.The Curricula is almost finished; it needs only minor changes (some companies have some suggestions). Natasha Sivevska (TTA-TC) will prepare the conclusions until 17/05/2020.
- O2/A5-Guidelines for the future curriculum was presented by Rita Souto (CTCP) on the last meeting, and it will be sent and uploaded in the cloud in one week.
- Regarding the “Related occupations matched with necessary skills (AMUEBLA&CTCP)“, Raquel Ortega Martínez and Rita Souto will finish the material and uploaded it in the cloud.
Item 2→O3 A1 – Training materials development
Each partner presented the training modules for which they wereresponsible for:
- Module 1 –was presented by Erwan Mouazan (ECORES). This content was already uploaded in the cloud
- Module 2– was presented by Dana Belakova (RTU)
- Module 3 was presented by Manuela Avadanei (TUIASI),
- Module 4 was presented by Zane Holvame (RTU)
- Module 5 will be soon uploaded in the cloud
- Module 6 was presented by Manuela Avadanei (TUIASI)
- Module 7 –was presented by Erwan Mouazan (ECORES),
After all the presentations, the following discussions took place:
- All the table and diagrams from the slides must have comments and interpretations because nobody will do the required explanations;
- To take care of the references of text and photos, because all the content of the module will be checked for plagiarism. There were discussions about the possibility of uploading YouTube movies in the content of the module.
- The additional reading sources must be listed as a separately from the references list. It is indicated that those materials are freely accessible on-line.
- The total number of hours for one module must include a proportional amount of additional readings
- Each module must have an evaluation (quizzes). The quiz/test must have 10÷15 questions, with multiple choices (maximum 5) or true or false.
- The modules will be uploaded separately on the platform
- The glossary will be at the beginning of the modules, and one glossary per module will be developed.
All the modules will be finished, with references, additional reading, and questions and uploaded on cloud in two weeks (24-th of May).
For reading and comments on all the modules, the deadline is28/06/2020.
Item 3→O3/A2 – Student’s guide
Manuela Avadanei (TUIASI) presents the Students guide. The question is if the guide will be the same for the modules and on the platform or it will be different.
In this guide, for each module, screenshots of the platform and pictureswill be insertedas graphics explanations of the content.
The guide will stipulate the number of modules recommended for designers or managers.
The number of hours will be supplemented for including the time reading of references and additional resources.
The student’s guide will be uploaded on the cloud until the 17-th of May.
Item 4 →O3/A3 Translation
According to the project proposal, only the most important part of the modules will be translated into the national languages of each partner.The discussions were about the size of the material, which will be turned into partner native language.
The conclusion was that for each module, only the most essential information would be in one slide (key elements of the module, e-learning outcomes, etc.). That one will be translated intonational languages.
The Student’s Guide will also be translated intonationallanguages.
Item 5 →O3/A4 Ensure open licenses OER for Training materials
Next, the discussions were focused on the Certificates theme.
Rita Souto proposed that one certificate per module to be issued and this suggestion was approved. On the e-learning platform, on My Achievements section, every student will be able to follow their progress.
The content of the certificate was discussed and approved (the person name, the titles’ of the accomplished module, the project name and partners’ logo will be automatically generated and written). TUIASI and RTU are not able to issue certificates if the students are not enlisted in their universities.
Item 6→O4 /A1 E- learning platform and training test
Raquel Ortega Martines (AMUEBLA) presents the E-learning platform structure, way to navigate between the sectors. The platform structure was appreciated, and the discussions were about translating the elements of the platform intonational languages. The menu, student’s guide and the information of each module, structured in one slide, will be translated from English into national languages.
Item 7→Quality assurance and risk monitoring plan
Rita Souto (CTCP) will provide the six-month report and send it to everybody.
Item 8→Dissemination and exploitation
Natasha Sivevska (TTA-TC) – the information about the third meeting are on Facebook and on the site.
We will send the fourth meeting report, and it will be disseminated on Facebook and the site.
Item 9→Highlight next semesters’ tasks and work to be done
In the near future, the finished modules will be uploaded in the cloud (the 24-th of May). In one month, the first comments on the content of the module are expected until the 28-th of June.
Then it will start the piloting phase (September 2020). 50 is the total number of participants in the piloting phase. Each partner will develop a report regarding the piloting phase.
Time for the Conference: it must be between 1-31/10/2020.
Each partner will develop a summary presentation (after all the content of the training materials is done, one slide/unit with the most important information) to be presented in the Conference (10-15 slides). Then he/she will share with the rest of the colleagues
The Conference will be done at the national level. Each partner can adapt the presentations and translate it, if it is necessary. 80 is the total numbers of the participants, from all the partners. This Conferences can be done on-line or not, depending on the situation in every country at that moment.
The last meeting, planned in Macedonia→further details will be established according to the concrete situation, at that moment.