Тextiles exert various environmental impacts in their life cycle. The increase in consumption has consequences both in terms of increased textile waste flows and in terms of the environmental impacts associated with production, use and end-of-life management of textiles. For this purpose, a company was created. We are processing textile waste, which would be used for future use. Produces 100% recycled pieces of fiber used in pillow production.Currently, the company has machines and capacity for processing textile waste only from textile intuitions that produce quilts, pillows and filled mattress protectors. We recycle their waste and create a new product.Revestia has developed an industrial upcycling method that involves complete lifecycle analysis of home textile field products.
In our company, a supplier of textile material plays a very important role, which guarantees the quality and quantity of the textile material. It is necessary that the amount of waste we procure as waste for processing, be clean, without any other kind of mat