EcoRes is a brussels-based consultancy specializing in sustainability applied to organizations and territories. EcoRes assists companies, territorial agencies and governmental bodies to implement sustainable policies and strategies.
Created 10 years by Groupe One, a pioneer NGO promoting sustainable entrepreneurship, EcoRes benefits from the expertise of a multidisciplinary team of 9 consultants (bioengineers, economists, sociologists) that has developed a rich and varied internal expertise encompassing all aspects of the spectrum of sustainability. The added value of this multidisciplinary approach lies, among other things, in its ability to combine both technical (life cycle approach, sustainability metrics) and human aspects of sustainabilitytools of collective intelligence to support behavior change, implementing participatory dynamics, etc..).
Ecores offers a wide set of services related to studies and research, training and coaching activities on sustainability challenges.
Areas of expertise:
-Circular Economy: circular business model innovation coaching and training regional strategy development, industrial symbiosis
-Climate mitigation and adaptation: carbon assessment for companies and territories, climate change adaptation strategies at regional level. Training and coaching.
-Social innovation: citizenship empowerment towards sustainable cities, innovation in governance models.
Every year, Ecores staff is providing trainings on circular economy for various target groups (university students at business schools, SMEs and young entrepreneurs in business support organisations..). It has developed a strong pedagogical expertise in the field (dedicated modules based on active learning pedagogy combined with design thinking implementation tools).
Ecores has an extensive experience in managing projects with various partnerships at national and transnational level. Having being involved in the past in several EU founded projects as partner or subcontractor (Erasmus+, Interreg Europe, FP7, H2020), the management and administrative teams are well aware of the skills and competences required to manage a successful founded project until completion.
EcoRes supports SMEs with their circular business model transformation through the programme, a blend of training and coaching using a set of tools inspired by design thinking. Ecores is founding member of the Club EFC, a business club supporting organizations on their transition to sustainable servicization.
Ecores has been involved through a former Erasmus project (CREPE-EFC) in the development of the European center for functional and cooperative economy, in which it has developed awareness and training tools to support the transition of companies in this new circular approach.

Address: Rue d’Edimbourg 26, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
Telephone: +3228930893
Contact person:
Erwan Mouazan
Expert in circular economy/ creative sustainability