RTU is an accredited internationally recognized European University that consists of 9 faculties and 35 institutes with the opportunity to ensure research excellence and offer exciting full-time or part-time studies in RTU in Engineering Sciences,
Technologies, Natural and Environmental Sciences as well as in Architecture and Engineering Economics. It is the second largest university in Latvia with 15000 students. More than 200 agreements on cooperation have been signed with European and other foreign universities. RTU collaborates with the enterprises in major industries in Latvia and abroad as well as with state and local
government institutions. Supported by European Structural Funds, RTU is taking active part in various research projects as well as in establishing of Competence Centres and National Research Centres. There are 14997 students in RTU and 14409 of them are bachelor and master students, and 588 PhD students. There are 148 Professors, 107 Associate Professors, 204 Assistant Professors, Lecturers, 113 Assistants (study). Total number of Academic Staff is 572.
RTU is member of the Association of the World Textile Universities AUTEX, among other European and National platforms and networks Design4Circle project will be developed within the Institute of Design Technologies (IDT) of the Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry.
The IDT consists of two departments – Clothing and Textile Technologies and Design and Materials Technologies. Each of departments offers professional study programs of two levels (cycles) – undergraduate, postgraduate. There is also doctoral
program as well. There are two study programs: Clothing and Textile Technology and Material Technologies and Design in Institute with several specializations in each – clothing technology and design, textile technology and design as well as wooden products/ interior technology and design. IDT is the biggest part of the Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry with 350 students. Total number of IDT staff is 43.
Research work of IDT is related to improvement of clothing, textile and wooden products technology and design, fashion design, furniture design as well as design of different kind of fiber materials, different coatings to give new functional properties to the materials, nanotechnologies, smart textiles development and integration in innovative products.
There are different laboratories and workshops dedicated to design technologies, research and development: Textile Research Laboratory, Nano-textile spinning laboratory, Anthropometric laboratory (3D scanning), CAD / CAM Modelling and Design Laboratories, Sewing workshop, Fashion Design Workshop, Wooden products laboratories etc. All laboratories and workshops are equipped with modern equipment.

Department: Institute of Design Technologies
Website: www.rtu.lv
Telephone: 37167089356
Contact person:
Dana Belakova – Design4Circle Project Coordinator
Associate Professor, Head of the Institute of Design Technologies and Department of Clothing and Textile
Email: dana.belakova@rtu.lv
Telephone: +37126356510